import ast
import importlib.util
import sys
from import Callable
from typing import Any, List, Set, Tuple
from pacman.utils.simple_repr import SimpleRepr, from_repr, simple_repr
[docs]class ExpressionFunction(Callable, SimpleRepr):
Callable object representing a function from a python string.
f = ExpressionFunction('a + b')
f.variable_names -> ['a', 'b']
f(a=1, b=3) -> 4
f.expression -> 'a + b'
Note: this callable only works with keyword arguments.
[docs] def __init__(self, expression: str, source_file=None, **fixed_vars) -> None:
Create a callable representing the expression.
:param expression: a valid python expression (any builtin python
function can be used, e.g. abs, round, etc.).
for example "abs(a1 - b)"
:param fixed_vars: extra keyword parameters will be interpreted as
fixed parameter for the expression and the produced callable will
represent a partial evaluation if the expression with these
parameter already fixed. If the name of these keyword parameter do
not match any of the variables found in the expression,
a `ValueError` is raised.
self._expression = expression.lstrip()
self._fixed_vars = fixed_vars
self._source_file = source_file
has_return, self.exp_vars = _analyse_ast(self._expression)
# Build the function definition code from the expression:
f_def = f"def f({', '.join([v for v in self.exp_vars])} ):\n"
if not has_return:
f_def += f" return {self._expression}"
self._expression = (
if not self._expression.startswith("\n")
else self._expression
f_def += self._expression.replace("\n", "\n ")
f_compiled = compile(f_def, "<string>", "exec")
except SyntaxError:
raise SyntaxError(
f"Syntax error in string expression: '{self._expression}'"
# Make the module that contains the constraint definition available to exec:
g = dict(globals())
if source_file is not None:
# import the module that contains the constraint definition
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("source", source_file)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
g["source"] = module
# And execute on compiled function definition, to get the function object:
local = {}
exec(f_compiled, g, local)
self.exp_func = local["f"]
except SyntaxError:
raise SyntaxError(f"Syntax error in multi-line string expression {f_def}'")
for v in fixed_vars:
if v not in self.exp_vars:
raise ValueError(
'Cannot fix variable "{}" which is not '
'present in the expression "{}"'.format(v, expression)
def expression(self):
return self._expression
def __name__(self):
return self._expression
def variable_names(self) -> List[str]:
:return: a set of variable names that must be set when calling f
return [v for v in self.exp_vars if v not in self._fixed_vars]
[docs] def partial(self, **kwargs):
return ExpressionFunction(self.expression, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
# Note that we only accept named arguments !
l = kwargs.copy()
received = set(kwargs.keys())
expected = set(self.variable_names)
unexpected = received - expected
missing = expected - received
if missing:
raise TypeError("Missing named argument(s) " + str(missing))
if unexpected:
raise TypeError("Unexpected argument(s) " + str(unexpected))
res = self.exp_func(**l)
return res
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if (
self._expression == other._expression
and self._source_file == other._source_file
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
return f"ExpressionFunction({self._expression})"
def __repr__(self):
return f"ExpressionFunction({self._expression}, {self.exp_vars})"
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self._expression, tuple(self._fixed_vars.items())))
def _simple_repr(self):
r = super()._simple_repr()
r["fixed_vars"] = simple_repr(self._fixed_vars)
return r
def _from_repr(cls, r):
fixed_vars = r["fixed_vars"]
del r["fixed_vars"]
args = {
k: from_repr(v)
for k, v in r.items()
if k not in ["__qualname__", "__module__"]
exp_fct = cls(**args, **fixed_vars)
return exp_fct
[docs]class VarCounterVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""A simple visitor to count variables in an AST tree."""
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.loaded = set()
self.stored = set()
self.has_return = False
self.imported = set()
[docs] def visit(self, node) -> Any:
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
elif isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store):
elif isinstance(node, ast.Return):
self.has_return = True
# We must keep track of importer name in order to avoid considering as variable
# names:
elif isinstance(node, ast.Import):
self.imported.update([ for n in node.names])
elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
self.imported.update([ for n in node.names])
[docs] def get_vars(self):
names = (self.loaded - self.stored) - self.imported
# We want to allow using builtin function like abs, round, etc.
# We must filter them out from the list of variables.
# We also filter out any name that starts with 'source', as this is the syntax
# used in yaml when referring to constraints defined in separate python files.
builtins = dir(sys.modules["builtins"])
return {n for n in names if not n.startswith("source") and n not in builtins}
def _analyse_ast(str_code: str) -> Tuple[bool, Set[str]]:
Analyse the ast built from `str_definition`.
str_code: str
A string containing a piece of valid python code : statement, expression or
function definition (but without the `def ....` line).
has_return: bool
True is the expression contains at least one return statement.
variables: Set of str
A set containing the identifiers of all variables used but not declared
in `str_code`.
node = ast.parse(str_code)
visitor = VarCounterVisitor()
return visitor.has_return, visitor.get_vars()